Features NFC Tagging img

Track locations

NFC Tagging

Are the assets on site? Was the employee there at all? When the job was completed?

Knowing where your mobile staff are and what are their daily routes in real time is vital.

Trusted proof of presence

NFC tags serve as checkpoints at critical locations within buildings or on fixed assets, and each tag can be activated simply by tapping on it with a mobile device. Tagging allows organizations to have a better view of where their equipment and assets have been last reported.

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Real time mapping based on the tags scans

Live location information on your fleet. Focus on your field staff and optimize their performance.

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Proof of delivery

Showing who has physically scanned the tag and in what time.

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Track the field staff

For example, cleaning staff might place an NFC tag on a particular piece of equipment or in a specific area of a building to indicate that it has been cleaned or inspected.